
Every year, come Christmas (or the month prior to), you will find at least one carton of eggnog in our fridge. The kids like it, I like it, hubby likes it (although I like it best with a little brandy in it). I prefer the organic eggnog variety, and can’t handle more than a serving at a time. My husband could probably chug an entire gallon by himself.

I’m considering taking a try at making homemade eggnog. But then I read the ingredients and change my mind, opting for grabbing a carton from the grocer’s cooler.

Eggnog was never a part of our Christmas tradition growing up. Somehow, though, it became part of our family tradition now. Last year, I substituted eggnog for milk in a pancake recipe. Though it sounds good, I don’t recommend it.

4 thoughts on “Eggnog

  1. Eggnog! I LOVE IT! But here in Mexioc we have a sinful drink cale Rompope. It has a picture of a long-dead pope, a triangular bottle and it is full of RUM as well as the typical eggnog ingredients.
    I am hooked on Rompope!

  2. I’m an eggnog fan too, now that the alcohol can be added. When I was a kid my mom made fresh eggnog every year for my brother – at the time I hated it. It’s not as hard (or as gross) as you’d think.

    I didn’t know one could make cooked nog. Interesting.

  3. while eggnog pancakes may not work, i can highly recommend eggnog french toast. Yum-my. we always have eggnog in the house come the 1st of Nov. does McD’s still have their eggnog milkshakes? we all just love the eggnog in our house!

  4. Susan, that sounds like a drink I would like 🙂

    Aubrey, I’ve been more and more motivated to at least give homemade eggnog a try. Maybe this year… maybe.

    Mmm Monique, that does sound good. YES McD’s does still have their milkshakes. And one of my most favorite custard shops had Eggnog as their Flavor-of-the-Day. I was SO tempted.

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