Book Review – A Reliable Wife

The joy of picking out a new book never escapes me. Unless I have a book club read lined up. But, if I haven’t read it I’m usually excited for the change of scenery in book choice (like this time).

Just finished:

A Reliable Wife

There is a reason why I had to have a glass of wine in my hand every time I picked up this book. Or at least an oppressive cloud of boredom hanging over my head. This read like a Harlequin novel “dressed up” as historical fiction. Violent, sexually-repressed man places order for a “reliable wife” – shady lady with a plan answers ad. The plot thickens (or gets incredibly soap opera-ish from there). If it weren’t for my obsessive-compulsive need to finish books when I start them, (and the ability to trade paperbacks online) I would have used it for kindling in the firepit. It seemed to have decent reviews, so maybe it’s just me. I really don’t know. Don’t care.  Done. Next!

Now starting:

The Lords of Discipline

This is a book club pick.

You can see all of the books I’ve read so far this year on my 2011 Books I’ve Read list.

Book List 2011

I haven’t been very good about keeping track of the books I’ve read so far this year. As much as I’d like to make a separate entry for one and do a little write-up, a little late night sit-down with a glass of wine will have to do.

I’m doing these based on the 3-star scale (see sidebar).

The Art of Racing in the Rain
I liked this. I know nothing about racing or race cars, I enjoy dogs, but am not obsessed with them. I liked this book. Still think about Enzo sometimes, especially when I look at my little doggie, sucking in air through his nose, taking in the world.

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

Held my interest, but didn’t grab me. Seemed like there were peices of the puzzle that were left hanging. With so much detail in the book, it was frustrating that some parts were so vague (like the uncle/brother development).

Prayers for Sale
Cute, likeable enough, looked forward to reading it. Enjoyed a “happy ending” for once (sorry if that gives anything away —  I didn’t say why it’s “happy”). But… it wasn’t a book that floored me. This is terrible, but (confession) sometimes I got sick of storytime. I realize that it is probably intended to excite the reader as it did Nit, but I had to keep my eyes from rolling.

The Catcher in the Rye
Gosh, I don’t just want to give a 3-star rating away, but this was pretty darn close. It has what makes a classic. Wasn’t my favorite story, the ending wasn’t perfect, but the writing was fantastic.

The Help
Liked it. Fun enough book to read. It was one of my bookclub books (just like the ‘Prayers one), and I was thrilled because there a story behind it. (If you’re Nit from Prayers for Sale, get excited.) This is a popular book. Library was out of it. Paperbackswap has a long wait list. On a whim I tried Half-price Books, they had one copy. I didn’t really want to spend the money on it, but my searching at St. Vinnie’s and Goodwill hadn’t panned out. As I flipped through the book, I noticed water damage. The clerk said I could have some money off. I continued to contemplate, and then noticed what looked like mustard stains. “Hotdog while reading?” The clerk lowered the price even more, though she said it was such a popular book they could probably still get twice to three times the price she was offering me – maybe more. I hemmed, I yawned, I got the book for 3 bucks. Works.

Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire

This was a good read. At times I had to kind of “choke” it down (very explicit), but I found it much like The Catcher in the Rye with the first-person narrative that sucks you in to the point of feeling like you’re walking alongside the character. I still have not seen the movie, Push, based on the book. I don’t know if I want to, honestly.

A Reliable Wife

There is a reason why I had to have a glass of wine in my hand every time I picked up this book. Or at least an oppressive cloud of boredom hanging over my head. This read like a Harlequin novel “dressed up” as historical fiction. Violent, sexually-repressed man places order for a “reliable wife” – shady lady with a plan answers ad. The plot thickens (or gets incredibly soap opera-ish from there). If it weren’t for my obsessive-compulsive need to finish books when I start them, (and the ability to trade paperbacks online) I would have used it for kindling in the firepit. It seemed to have decent reviews, so maybe it’s just me. I really don’t know. Don’t care.  Done. Next!

The Lords of Discipline

This was a book club pick. It was decent.

Jane Eyre

I liked this book. I hung around with me for quite some time after reading it.


Book Review: Half Broke Horses

Half Broke HorsesRarely does a sequel (prequel) equal or surpass the original. A couple of weeks ago, I  read Half Broke Horses (after reading The Glass Castle a few years ago). I was interested in reading ‘Horses since GC had so easily became one of my favorite memoir books. I enjoyed the author’s voice, the way she could still find ways to make me smile while while reading about her challenging circumstances. I was excited to dig into HBH, hoping it would be even half as good as GC.  I can honestly, and happily, say Half Broke Horses lived up to The Glass Castle; I ate it up just as easily.

After reading both books, it still seems to make sense to read Glass Castle first, even though Half Broke Horses is about the author’s grandmother (who is not even a main character in Glass Castle). To connect and understand Jeanette first, by reading GC, gives the reader a special appreciation when reading about her maternal grandmother in HBH.

Bottom line: If you enjoyed The Glass Castle, you’ll like Half Broke Horses.


Salem Falls

Salem Falls, by Jodi Picoult

\"Salem Falls\"

I bought this book a few years back, started it; abandoned it. But recently a group of us PTA moms needed an excuse to get together after our end-of-the-year planning committee had commenced. Why not a book club?!! Salem Falls was the choice of the hostess. I had a slight bit of dread, honestly, because I knew I had abandoned it before and was worried I’d need to struggle through it.

I put off reading it until the week before Book Club. Started it Monday, finished it Wednesday. It wasn’t so bad.

Newly released prisoner (convicted of statutory rape), settles in small town, takes job at diner, meets up with quirky loner-type owner… gets paths crossed with some teenage girls that are “witches” and is, once again, accused of a sex-offense. Courtroom drama ensues (Picoult style), love triangles flying all over the place… connections made between characters. Yeah. It was most definitely a Picoult book.

All in all, it was alright. Should bring up some interesting discussion.

I would not re-read this book and would maybe recommend it to a friend if they like Picoult. Probably not one of her best, though.


Finished: June 2008