New Post, New Year

Well hello again. Last time I posted it was 2007. New year, new post, new focus. I plan to update and re-arrange things around As I change my personal focus, the site may see some changes as well.

Christmas is over. It went well. Gifts exchanged, family-time spent and an inch increase of the waistline (I’m guessing, I have no evidence to back that up, nor do I really want to face the scale right now).

It is only five days in to the new year, and though I don’t like new year’s resolutions, I do like to remind myself of what is important, where I may have went off track, how I would like to change things. I used to keep a personal planner. For years I did. A couple years ago I stopped. And, honestly, I can see the difference. So this year I am starting it up again. Writing in my appointments, deadlines and keeping lists. Financial planning is high on the list for me. Keeping (much better) records of where money is spent, so I can see where the leaks are. The credit card bill hit a max over the past month, going over and surprising us with a $40 late fee. Not good. We had that paid off. Paid off. Yes, I said it. Spend on it once, and… well.

So I’m going to whittle that down as much as possible. Pay it off with taxes (again), and then freeze the thing in a block of ice. Unfortunately, for emergencies, we need it. Until we can build up a savings.

Student loans I have ignored and denied. I need to face up to them. And I will.

I hope 2008 brings you renewed determination as well.

2 thoughts on “New Post, New Year

  1. Happy New Year Say. May 2008 bring you and the family everything you need and plenty of fun! I kind of like the feeling of a new year – seems like a clean page waiting to be filled up. Lets have a good one!

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