Intermittent Goo

Knitting keeps me warm. Occupied. Feeling productive. I’ve been keeping busy knitting a scarf. Well, actually I have about 8 scarves started, but got sick of them, abandoned and started this one. Wanted something a bit funky and different from my regular Fun Fur festivals, and needed to use up some yarn. Here she is about 1/4 of the way done.

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The feeling of a small troll, crammed between the roof of my mouth and my nose brought me to the doctor this afternoon. I guess I’ve got some sinus stuff going on. He recommended Afrin twice a day for a few days to open up those passages and let the goo drain. Attractive, I know!! I’ve been feeling intermittent goo slide down the back of my throat, and my tummy is a bit unsettled, so this wasn’t a big newsflash. I’ll admit, if I’m in my car or outside or somewhere where I’m not ashamed to show my lady-ness, I hack it up and hock it in a snowpile (or Kleenex and dispose, yes I do). I can spit pretty well, totally not proud of it– not putting it on the resume or anything. It’s just a fact. Cradle snot in a curled tongue and whuuck like a blowdart. I don’t like that crap going in my tummy. Save those calories for the good stuff, ya hurd?

I do know to be careful with that spray because, a few years back, I lost my sense of smell from the stuff for a while. It was my own fault because I got a bit overzealous with the nasal spray, using it even when my nose was clear. Foolish.

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Christy’s got a contest going on. She’s giving away an Angie Stone CD. Go check it out.

5 thoughts on “Intermittent Goo

  1. Ohh thanks for the link. =o)

    I actually received two discs from Angie’s publicist so I can give out both if I get enouh excited people. But so far not many seem thrilled.

    I gave away concert tickets last month. Just depends what they send me. =o)

    Knitting. I can’t knit, but I have crocheted before. Right now I’m obsessed with sewing. I just finished a pajama top for my son, well I need to press it. I’m learning, only bought the sewing machine 2.5 weeks ao. =o) It’s so fun. And I have found I VERY MUCH LOVE fabric. =o)

  2. Try the Netipot it has worked wonders for my sinus issues. The only weird thing is I now have an eye infection – wondering if that happened because of the sinus flushing? Hope you feel better soon!

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