That Lazy Cat

Sal may not like the Hinna-Hin, but Freddy doesn’t seem to mind. He stood, kneading Hinna for a good while, and then finally nestled into her.

Fred is a happy, but very strange cat who, instead of eating upright like a normal feline, likes to plop on his side next to his bowl and fish food out with his paw, bringing it to the ground to eat. I’m in awe that he would seriously be that lazy, but apparently… he is.

He also likes to jump up to the table and sit on it, which I DO NOT LIKE AT ALL, seeing as we EAT there and everything. Pheenie went and snapped a photo of the evidence of his naughtiness when I’m not around. Thank you Pheenie.

. . .

Idonotwanttogotowork. Idonotwanttogotowork. Idonotwanttogotowork.

3 thoughts on “That Lazy Cat

  1. My husbands cat hates to drink out of her water bowl. She’ll do it under protest and when we don’t have the faucet on dribble for her. She’s a spoiled princess. Cats on the kitchen table aren’t the only critter on our table. Our younger lab mix is always on the kitchen table! I’ve just about given up scooting her off when we’re not using the table.

  2. Christy, Garfield indeed!!

    Terri, that’s too funny. There must be something about being up on that table. Labs are huge, that’s crazy, LOL.

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