Laundry Detergent – What Do You Use

I’ve used nearly every laundry detergent known to man.

Arm & Hammer
Generic Something-Er-Other
Target Brand

Lately it was the Ecos, then Tide (because, over time,  nothing seemed to be getting clean enough). Tide is more expensive and I’m disappointed with it. It doesn’t seem to be getting my clothes clean AND it leaves soap scum.

Now, I use vinegar in the rinse cycle (for softness – works GREAT, yo, just had to add that in)… but still. Nothing. Getting. Clean. Enough. I went back to Gain after forgetting how much I like that brand. I fell in love with that years ago when the kids were little. I’m starting to wonder if it is my over-priced, top-loading, no-agitator washer. An agitator might damage clothes, but by golly – it get’s ‘er clean, too. I’d really love to use an eco-friendly brand, or even one homemade, but frankly if my clothes aren’t getting clean enough, it is not worth it to me.

So, I’m just curious as to what detergent you use, and why?

10 thoughts on “Laundry Detergent – What Do You Use

  1. With the three munchkins and hubby managing a cleaning crew (and pitching in to help) our laundry can get miserable.

    I tend to use ALL free and clear on the kids clothes with Clorox 2 (no scent) added in since the two youngest have bad allergic reactions to fragrance.

    For the oldest munchkin and hubbies and mine – Trend (liquid). Don’t laugh, but I found it in the local discount store (Price Rite) and paid $1.50 for it. Smells great and got my clothes clean. We do have an agitator in our machine (12yrs old), but stuff just wasn’t getting that clean before. I use half the recommended amount for not as messy loads and so far so good.

  2. Terry – I don’t know if I’ve used that one, but I think I might have. It is an off-brand, correct? If it is available in our area, I’ve used it. 🙂

    Lainey, you must do a lot of loads, especially if you have to do different ones because of allergies. That’s hard!! When one of the kids was young he had some reaction to the laundry and I had to use “free” detergent for a while for his stuff.

  3. I have a front-load machine with no agitator. We’ve been using the Walmart brand liquid detergent for a couple of months & it seems to be working really well, but then we have no kids left at home & hubby doesn’t have a dirty job.

    1. I will have to try that ldranuy detergent from Costco! I keep switching from that to soap nuts…haven’t really decided yet! Loved your post!

  4. It is an off brand, but they have a big selection of scents and bleach and non-bleach. It might be a regional big seller off brand. *shrug* lol

  5. Has anyone tried the “homemade” recipe that has been circling the internet? I think I saw it on bitchypoo

  6. Terrri, turns out I have some Xtra downstairs leftover from when I had an agitator – I knew it sounded familiar!!

    Housewife, oh do I wish we had a Publix or Costco here. The lack of them in this area makes me curious as to what they are like.

    Connie, here’s one from my archives:
    Marthat’s Homemade Detergent

    Here’s another laundry detergent recipe, sent in by Martha. I haven’t made it yet, but she tells me it’s easier than mine:

    1 quart water (4 cups)
    1/6 bar fels naptha or other soap grated as fine as possible (now I soak the cube for a week or two in a cup of water).
    ¼ washing soda
    ¼ borax
    ½ quart hot water
    cold water

    Mix Fels Naptha soap in a saucepan with 3 pints of water, and heat on low until dissolved. (now I nuke it for 5-6 minutes in the microwave). Stir in Washing Soda and Borax (pop back in the microwave for a minute or two– but watch it as it does bubble up. I really don’t think this part is necessary if it is stirred real well.). Stir until thickened, and remove from heat. Add 1 Quart Hot Water to 1 Gallon Bucket. Add soap mixture, and mix well. Fill bucket with hot water, and mix well. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load.

    I can’t find the recipe I used years ago but it was very similar to the one above. I have no idea how that would work in an HE washer.

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