Saltine Crunch

I finally finished all of my cookie baking, packaged them up and delivered. It was quite an undertaking, but a LOT of fun.  I’ll post pictures soon. Too tired tonight, though and still need to stuff some stockings.

This recipe is all over the place, so I take no credit for it. But it is SUPER duper easy and strangely tasty with the sweet, salty, crunchy combination in the simplest form.

approx. 1.5 sleeves of saltine crackers
1.5 cups of chocolate chips (you can mix chocolate and butterscotch or use white chocolate, etc.)
1 stick butter
1 cup brown sugar

Line a jelly roll pan with tinfoil; lightly grease with Crisco. Place a layer of saltines, side-by-side, covering the entire bottom of the pan. On medium-low heat, melt butter and sugar in a saucepan until bubbly; stirring often. Pour over saltines, use a spatula to smooth and distribute across the crackers. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Place in heated oven (350 degrees) for a few minutes – long enough to soften the chips, but be careful and do not burn them. Remove from oven and use the spatula to spread evenly. Cool completely; break into pieces. Enjoy or package for gifts. Easy!!

You could grind up nuts and sprinkle those on top before the chocolate cools, or use white chocolate and sprinkle with crushed peppermint candies for a Christmas treat.

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