Snow Day

Snow Day. Slept in, stayed home from work. Unpacking Christmas decorations led me into dusting and de-cluttering the various surfaces of the house in-between doing loads of laundry.

Lunch was grilled cheese (pepper-jack and cheddar) and tomato soup. No grumbles from the kids – a favorite lunch. After that, the youngest three sat down with their math workbooks; I helped them with a couple pages. The twins worked on rounding up to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands and ten-thousands. Fun stuff.

I washed the dishes, happily looking out the window at the snow (we got dumped on today – hence the Snow Day). I pondered on my contentedness. Just… being a mom, a homemaker, whatever you want to call it. Some weird sort of me, even though I’m working part-time outside the home, still considers myself a stay-at-home-mom. I guess, I guess it is because that is where my heart is; that is what I’m most content with, what feels centered at my soul.

Frank came home from work and all the boys went outside to help him shovel snow. I stayed in to dust and clean a bit more. After that was done, we all went sledding – something we’d anticipated all day. We had a great time, each taking turns. After about an hour we came home, made dinner (potato chip tuna casserole – Loo wanted to make that, specifically for dinner… lots of improvisation there).

Layer of chips in a casserole. 1 semi-cooked package of frozen broccoli, 5-inch square of Velveeta, cubed and stirred into the hot broccoli to melt (we had to nuke it for a few seconds to help it along). 1/4 cup of chopped onion, 1 pepper chopped, 1 package of spaghetti noodles (broken in thirds and cooked), a couple handfuls of shredded cheddar cheese., 1 large can of tuna (or 2 small ones, drained). Mix everything but the chips, spread over the chips in pan, sprinkle with garlic, add another layer of crushed chips. Bake at 350 for about 1/2 hour. Done. Good stuff.

A good day. Nothing spectacular, just… a good day. Snow Days can be crazy, hair-pulling days. But today wasn’t. It was a slow and simple day finished off with a movie, putting the kids in bed, Christmas music, knitting and a glass of wine.

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