It has been a few days since my last post. Here is what I’ve been up to over the past week (and mostly weekend):
Got my hair relaxed last week. I’ve had a bit of trouble getting decent photographic documentation of this. Still working on…
Watched my oldest son win his bracket in the JV Big 8 wrestling. His coach would like him to wrestle Varsity next weekend.
Watched the twins play their first game of indoor.
Packed up the boys and went grocery shopping… spent (ugh) $500 in two places (Woodmans and Sam’s). I was not really prepared to shop, but it needed to be done. The boys were pleased, seeing as we’ve had a very bare fridge for a while now. They were wonderful, though, helping me load groceries and carry them in. I didn’t have to carry one bag in the house. Not one, bless their hearts.
All that shopping and I forgot Sal’s humble request (for Super Bowl munching): nacho cheese. We stopped off at Walmart on the way home. I needed deodorant, too, so the boys ran off to get the nacho cheese and I picked out deodorant for myself and one of the boys.
I took a nice, long walk with Frank.
We watched half of the Super Bowl at home, and then finished watching it at a friend’s house.
Heard that Punxsutawney Phil did indeed see his shadow. More winter, which is fine, I hope it brings snow.
Made some Butterscotch Pudding – tasted fine to me, but the real test will be my husband who loves Butterscotch Pudding.
And now I’m going to tackle the task of straightening my hair, which is kind of fun as the novelty of relaxed hair has not worn off yet. But that can be a whole ‘nother post.
Have a happy Monday.