Broken Leg… The Short Story

The short story is that my ten-year-old son was hit by a car last week after getting off the bus. His leg was broken and his foot and ankle were severely lacerated. He had surgery done and was in the hospital for a few days. He is home now and wearing an external fixator (his does not have the “halo” around it – he has 4 rods and a bar that holds them in place). He will move to a cast in a few weeks.

I’ve typed out the longer version, but I’m not quite ready to do anything with it. We are blessed indeed, as nothing else was injured.

I feel a bit stir-crazy and still like we are in chaos-mode (a few more purchased dinners than usual the past week), but it has also been nice to be home and able to take care of Franny and just be with the family.

Today he had his first shower at home. We purchased a cheap plastic chair and a non-slip floor mat for the tub. We put a garbage bag around his leg and he actually had a very nice shower, holding the removable head, enjoying the warm water. I also did pin care for the first time today, too. You have to clean the pins as directed by the physician. Because he still has stitches, I also needed to put a special gauze on those two areas, too. I was nervous about doing it, but it actually went pretty well.

11 thoughts on “Broken Leg… The Short Story

  1. I am so glad to hear that Franny is home and is doing ok. I can’t even imagine how you are feeling right now; you are all in my thoughts and extra special prayers are being said for you. HUGS to ALL of you!

  2. oh man! Glad he’s home and I bet he’s glad to be home too. Fill us in on the long story when you get a chance and it’s ok to be buying meals when it’s something like this going on. Cooking is probably not the main thing on your mind right now. Plus if it saves you time so you be with Franny more, then go for it! You and yours are in my thoughts.

  3. Thank God he is fine… He will soon be ok. It must have been very heart rending but its your courage that is going to give him the confidence. Take good care of him and yourself as well..

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