Back to School

My 5th graders went back to school today. I can’t quite believe it. FIFTH grade?! How did that happen so fast? Praise God, my son that was hit by the car is able to go, walking fine, no crutches, cast, splint – nothing. Last week he was given the go-ahead to be free. He has 1 month to still lay low, and then he can do as he pleases. I still can’t believe it.

The last time I saw him with a backpack on was five months ago, when the ambulance crew was contemplating if they should cut it off of him. I was frustrated, listening to such a trivial decision being made. It’s been quite a long haul, and though we’re not quite at the end of it, I can see a clearing in the woods for him. Today is a small triumph. He was nervous but excited, and maybe a bit sad, since he still can’t do gym or play soccer at recess. But he can go to school, he can walk the stairs.

This week will be a challenge. I’m back to work 100% now, for the first time since the accident. I never really stopped working, but did go down to 10 hours a week, then bumped up to 20 with “flexible days” and now will start back regular hours, regular times. With all the struggles of the last year, this too, feels like a challenge in itself. Just as I gain time with the kids going back to school, I lose time by getting back to work. Go figure. Heh.

2 thoughts on “Back to School

    1. It went pretty good!!! The boys seemed pleased with their teacher, which is always a good thing. I think my whole family is a bit exhausted though. 🙂 We’re not really morning people.

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