Dial-a-Brew 2

Frank wanted a coffeemaker for work. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive. At home we’ve had a percolator (electric) for years, but he wanted a drip one for ease of use. He’s been keeping his eye out for one for weeks. One day I was at Goodwill and saw an old coffeemaker that brought back childhood memories with its beige color, brown and orange “coffee brew strength” accents. My eyes lingered on it, and I moved on.

Wouldn’t you know, my husband nabbed it and slyly brought it to the checkout? Ten bucks. “Hey, a guy at work brought one of these for the breakroom a few years ago (at his old job), and it was the best drip coffeemaker.”

Normally I would have let it leave my house and not complained. I have no problem using cups, plates, bowls from Goodwill. I do have a some reservations about using things I can’t scour clean, that have inside mechanisms that I can’t inspect with my own eyeballs… Irrational thoughts of someone running their own urine through a coffeemaker. You know, things like that.

So, being the good wife I am (and having a strange magnetism towards this happy-looking little coffeemaker), I took it upon myself to clean any imaginary urine out of it by running vinegar through it 8000 times. It honestly didn’t look like it had been used at all. Although each time I ran the vinegar through there was always a bit of sediment (looked like dust) floating on top of the water. Finally I just went to the store and got some official coffee cleaner. Ran that through a few times and the water was crystal, spanking, clear.

After all that cleansing care, it seemed right to also do a “test run” and make some coffee.

“You like the coffeemaker, don’t you?” Frank sighed, seeing the signs on the wall.

I ignored his insinuating question.

In turn it seemed right to actually drink the coffee.

Frank’s eyes rolled, accusing me of latching on to the maker, and also assuming his search for a coffeemaker was not over, as it seemed it was when he walked out of Goodwill with his Norelco DIAL-a-BREW II.

Thankfully, we found a cheap-o special deal during the Christmas Special Frenzies a couple weeks back, ’cause that DIAL-a-BREW makes one mean cup of coffee, and I’m not letting it go.

14 thoughts on “Dial-a-Brew 2

    1. Review by Gay W. Holland for Rating: This is the worst coffee maker I’ve ever used. The cheat feurtae that should stop the coffee from dripping temporarily does not work. The coffee drips right through onto the heating plate. When the brewing is done, and you pour yourself a cup, it still leaks down onto the plate. Even after removing the basket, it STILL leaks. Also the coffee maker is impossible to clean. I’m sure a man designed this product as a woman would never create something that is difficult to clean.

  1. What an awesome find! Proctor Silex makes one now that’s close to these with a dial to choose your coffees strength.
    As for the cameras… well I’m an old school 35 mm SLR gal who has decided NOT to get a digital SLR. I’ve found everything I could ever want in the two advanced point and shoot digital cameras that I own. One is fantastic for close-ups and panoramic shots and the other is my every day camera that does everything else. I’m always curious though as to what cameras other people own and why they like them.

  2. Jennifer, see that’s what I was thinking. 🙂

    Terri, I didn’t realize your weren’t digital. You must have some good skills with them, then. I was gifted a 35mm one and would have broke the bank trying to get decent pictures and wasting oodles of film.

  3. OMG, This is the coffee maker I had all during college, present from my Grandmother! It did make awesome coffee! I am looking at or local Thrift store! Thanks for the memories!

  4. This coffee maker was bought long before I was born, used and used… and about two years ago I started using it myself on an almost daily basis and besides being a little leaky it´s been awesome! Until this morning… now only the hot plate works.

    Have you figured out how to clean it?

  5. This coffee maker is ugly and basic! But has withstood 6 moves and three other pots! The power button has been missing for 2 years or more but still plugs in and makes a great cup!

  6. I’ve heard that you can use a coarse grind with this coffee maker and not have to use paper filters, can anyone confirm or deny this?

  7. I have one of these! I bought it at a yard sale for $1.00. Yes, $1! And I bought it 10 years ago! I use it every day and it STILL makes a mean cup of coffee! I am not giving it up!

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