iLife Upgrade for Recently Purchased Macs

If you’re like me and had your computer wiped out in a recent power surge… and purchased  Mac between Oct. 1-19, you are eligible for an upgrade to ’11 iLife. Not for free, but almost. $6.99. A far cry from the box price for an upgrade. I had no clue about it, even though I registered my Mac. I just happened to be at Best Buy and the salesguy told me about it. He emailed me the information, but must have written down my email address wrong. Thankfully I found it online. And now, I’m sharing it with YOU, by the chance that it might be useful.

Customers who purchase a qualifying new Mac computer or an Apple Certified Refurbished computer from the Apple Online Store between October 1 and October 19, 2010 that does not include iLife ’11 can upgrade to iLife ’11 for US $6.99 plus tax. Remember your completed order form must be postmarked or faxed by November 19, 2010.

Download the PDF form to mail/fax, and find more info. here:

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