Bath Bombs

To entertain my inner craftiness, I’ve plunged into making some bath bombs for a family member’s store. It is nice to do something different for a change, other than stare at a computer, organize, email, brainstorm, coordinate, respond to, or use _____(fill in the blank with administrative tasks)_____. It is good for my soul to utilize other parts of my noggin. I truly need more thoughtless, mechanical work in my life.

Not to say I don’t enjoy the other things I am doing. But they are all the same. At work I administrate/manage, at home I administrate/manage, for the soccer team I manage, for the other soccer team I manage, for youth wrestling I secretary/manage, for freelance work I administrate/manage. I need to freely admit that I’ve exhausted that part of my brain. I need to pair down my volunteerism to only 1 additional same-brain activity. Do more physical volunteering, if necessary. But I’m tapped out. Therefore, I enjoy the creations I can make with using less brains and more hands.

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