Monday Oh Monday

Another day of feeling under the weather. Better, but still riding the wave of fatigue. Even though I worked at home today, I took the majority of the time off. I ran some basic errands (stopped at the office, then to Goodwill) and came home. That’s about all I could handle.

Wrestling started today for the boys. They were pretty excited. Frank’s one of the coaches. Now that he’s on first shift it is so much easier. I don’t know how we made it through last year with him on second, the boys all needing to be somewhere at the same time, and me with one car. Thankfully I had a casserole frozen and ready for evenings like this. It takes some planning, but it really is helping us to stay in better shape financially. Just knowing that I had dinner semi-prepared, in the oven baking was peace of mind. I used this Cheesy Beans & Rice Casserole recipe one day after making a load of kidney beans and having nothing to do with them. So glad I did. Everyone liked it, and we had enough for leftovers. My kind of meal.

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