Happy New Year 2013

As you can see, I don’t keep up on posting here much. It isn’t that I’m not online. I am. On Facebook, or Twitter, or cruising around my Google Reader looking for recipes. Paying bills, checking online wrestling brackets for my kids. Going to Amazon, eBay (Carlito has become quite the ebay fanatic lately).

Being online isn’t the same as it used to be. There’s so many places to interact with people, get tips, read,Β ogle food pictures… the list goes on.

I miss blogging/journaling though. I do. This place, though, groovy-mom.com doesn’t quite feel like home to me anymore. So I don’t (blog). I have other domains, and have contemplated just doing some free blogging at blogger, too. We shall see. Just when I say that, I keep things the same and continue to attempt staying here. Eh. Who knows. For the two of you that read this, I’ll keep ya updated.

Life is moving forward, like it tends to do. My kids are getting so old, yo. I look at them and wonder how we got here so quick. After this year, all my kids will be in high-school or beyond. That’s… that’s something for me to ponder on. Adjust to. We went bowling last night with the boys and had a very nice time. It was fun to just DO something together on neutral ground. Not a school function, not a church function, not a sports function – just us doing something together. I wish it could be more often. The times where the boys can hang together (and with us) is slipping by. Soon they will have girlfriends, jobs, school — whatever takes them away from each other. That is the pattern of life, but it is also something you leave behind in your youth, that freedom.

Rare is it that adult siblings can get together – just them – and enjoy time. The older you get, there’s always something waiting. Or you’re tired from your obligations of the day. I hope that they can manage time together as they get older. They enjoy each other. Not all siblings do, and they are blessed that way.

So, yeah, we bowled. I don’t ever seem to hit 100 when I bowl, but maybe if I did it more than once a year. I did get 2 (or 3) strikes during the second game. Go me.

I must be getting old because I set my alarm to get up early (that would be 8am rather than crawl out of bed at 10am) so I could have a couple extra hours. For laundry, for sipping coffee in front of the computer, listening to the space ship sounds of my washer. To make cinnamon bread. To not waste so much time.

Intentional is an over-used word. I guess in the years of accessibility nearly everything is over-used. Nothing is unique anymore – and if it is, millions know about it immediately and, without knowing it, make it common by sharing/liking/instagramming/face chatting it into over-used in a matter of seconds.

Yet, intent is the resolution I would have for 2013. Spending my time with intent. Purpose.

7 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2013

  1. I’m glad you are going to keep us updated. I must say, I miss blogs, or online journals as we used to call them πŸ™‚ I’m not on Facebook, it just doesn’t appeal to me on many levels, although I understand why other people like it. I feel like it is the end of an era in a way, writers that I have followed for years no longer updating, not that they owe me anything-I guess I just miss reading them!

  2. Haha 3 readers! I echo Maureen exactly. Also, I wish you a very Happy New Year indeed. Full of everything you would wish yourself.

  3. Yeah I’m still holding onto that domain and there are days where something happens and I think “I’d like to write an entry about that” but I don’t.

    I think I’ll ponder it more and I hope you will too.

    If you never write another post, I’ll understand 100% but I gotta say I love hearing about your life – even if it’s just what you had for breakfast or what you’re up to.

    I still can’t believe your kids though – Sophia all growed up and the twins going to be in high school soon…


  4. I miss your online journaling (remember when it was called that πŸ˜‰ I’ve been reading for sooooo long, long before this domain, and I surely miss those almost daily posts. (not pointing any fingers, I abandoned mine way back in the days of diaryland! ) Happy New Year – hope you keep writing somewhere!

  5. Aww. Hey. I was going to respond to you each, but as I read through these comments, it seems we all hold on to that string that was there a while ago. Nostalgia, I guess, in a way. (?)

    Possibly I need to get over the way things have changed, and if I enjoy/want to “journal” then I do… despite the changes, or the feel of things. I love to be able to look back at pictures, entries, and remember. And I definitely miss the updates from the list of journalers I read.

    Hugs to all.

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