Butter In Your Coffee? Yes, I did!

Hello stranger! Maybe I’m the stranger. I don’t get to post here often, even though I like to. I guess I should make it a priority if it is something I enjoy, eh? I take all these pictures, and they sit. And wait. For the day that I remember to post them.

Have you heard of Bulletproof Coffee?

It will probably strike most people as kind of (very) weird. But I’m eating a lower carb/higher fat diet, and it fits in with that. It would fit in with any way of eating as a treat, but with this one (and maybe paleo), it is an OK normal.


Basically you take your cup of coffee, plop 14g of some good, grass-fed, unsalted butter in it.

There’s more.

Then you add coconut oil to it (I used 8g).

Then you whip it, or emulsify it. I used a stick blender.

It turns into a frothy substance that tastes delightful.

If using butter ooks you out, try cream. That is mighty tasty, too. Real cream, not half and half. I’ve taken my stick blender to my mug of coffee and cream, and it turns into something a tad more delightful. Kicks it up a notch. It’s like a coffee house drink without the coffee house prices.

I normally take a mug of tea or coffee to work, but I got up a half hour earlier and had my mug-o-goodness at home. I don’t know if I’ll be missing that at work, now, but it’s just one day. In addition to watching my food intake, I’ve been noting my water as well. I don’t always do well with water intake. So today I’ll have a little extra emphasis on water.

I’m already missing my warm mug at work and I’m not even there yet. Not a good sign.

I also had this for breakfast:

Yeah, it’s empty. It was Trader Joe’s Jalapeño Cilantro Hummus with celery sticks. I just wasn’t feeling a complicated breakfast today. I could eat that hummus with a spoon, it’s that good.

Before Carlito left, he showed me his most recent creation in Arts Medals class. They’re taking a field trip today.

He’s made a necklace and a ring so far, too. He seems to like the class. Dante took it, too, but I don’t remember getting anything home from him. Strange. He’s more of a perfectionist, and would just leave his things at school. Kids don’t know how much moms like to get that stuff, even if it isn’t perfect.

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