Low Carb Waffles

Years ago when I was lowcarbing I made this lowcarb pancake (I really kept up on that site, eh?). It was pretty tasty, but I don’t really carry ricotta cheese around the house often.

This morning we had a couple kids over at our house for a sleepover, and usually on the weekends I make some sort of breakfast (pancakes, waffles, etc.). It’s hot, and I really didn’t feel like heating up the oven, or standing over a skillet flipping pancakes, so I opted for waffles.

I made a mega batch, the boys ate like a wild pack of horses.

I’m not eating the traditional pancakes and waffles (wheat), but wanted to try making something different (yet clearly similar). This is what I came up with on the fly, with the ingredients I had on hand. I could have thrown in some flax or almond flour, but… just didn’t.

Low Carb Waffles (makes 4)
4 eggs
4 oz Greek yogurt
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Combine all and blend with hand blender until frothy. Pour into a pre-heated  waffle iron sprayed with non-stick spray.

Super simple, huh?

They turned out quite well. The only mishap was that the batter makes a little more than my iron can hold in one batch and I was not patient or careful. It over-flowed.

I don’t have any sugar-free pancake syrup, and didn’t really want to put DaVinci’s on top of it, so I went for some semi-whipped cream instead.

1.5 oz. heavy whipping cream, dash of cinnamon, 4 drops of liquid stevia. I used my handy frother again. It was such a small amount that a hand-blender, though it would probably do a better job, was really too big for the task.

It was pretty good. Eggy, naturally. But so many low-carb creations are eggy. It hit the spot, though, for me. Kind of a semi-waffle. I’m sure it would be improved with some almond flour or flax, but in a pinch, this was a nice change up from the regular old egg breakfast.

IKEA Milk Frother

I like to order things online. It’s so much easier to comparison shop, read reviews, place the order, and find it on your doorstep soon after. I know, I know, the mom and pop are suffering from the ability to order online (specifically Amazon), but it saves me time and money.

Like I said in the last post, I’ve been blending up my coffee with cream and coconut oil. I was drinking it without blending it, but blending it makes it much tastier. But using my stick blender is pretty time-intensive on a short morning before work, so I ordered this – IKEA Produkt Milk Frother. It was less than $10 and eligible for Amazon Prime, and it had good reviews. And I didn’t have to leave the house to order it.

Low and behold, a few days later I came home from work to these two packages (one from Bath & Body Works, and one envelope).

The frother was in the envelope, nestled inside the box. No instructions, no batteries, just a very light-feeling frother.

Much smaller than the stick blender I’ve been using. Don’t get me wrong, I love my stick blender. I first used one when making soap, but then got one for making food. Lovely appliance. But taking it out and cleaning it was too much for me.

So, we had to put it to the test. Before blending (cream and coconut oil).

Here I am using the frother. It’s very quiet and feels like it is doing nothing. Sal took pictures for me while I frothed away. Much like the larger stick blender, it can make quite a mess, if you’re not careful. Using both of these blenders takes me back to my soapmaking days. Emulsifying the oils and the lye…

Here we are finished.

It’s not bad. Much more convenient than dragging out the stick blender, but also not as powerful. I definitely like to froth up even a simple cup of coffee and cream, or tea and cream. Blended, not stirred. It makes a difference.

All in all, I like my little frother. Was a worthwhile purchase. It certainly does the job, and I’m glad I ordered it. It’s been fun already making drinks for the kids.

Here was my Bath & Body Works delights. Mostly old scents that you can’t get in the stores, Sun Ripened Raspberry, Country Apple, but also a Coconut(something). They had free shipping plus a percent off, which made it a deal. And I didn’t have to leave the house or use my gas to get it. Yay me.

Butter In Your Coffee? Yes, I did!

Hello stranger! Maybe I’m the stranger. I don’t get to post here often, even though I like to. I guess I should make it a priority if it is something I enjoy, eh? I take all these pictures, and they sit. And wait. For the day that I remember to post them.

Have you heard of Bulletproof Coffee?

It will probably strike most people as kind of (very) weird. But I’m eating a lower carb/higher fat diet, and it fits in with that. It would fit in with any way of eating as a treat, but with this one (and maybe paleo), it is an OK normal.


Basically you take your cup of coffee, plop 14g of some good, grass-fed, unsalted butter in it.

There’s more.

Then you add coconut oil to it (I used 8g).

Then you whip it, or emulsify it. I used a stick blender.

It turns into a frothy substance that tastes delightful.

If using butter ooks you out, try cream. That is mighty tasty, too. Real cream, not half and half. I’ve taken my stick blender to my mug of coffee and cream, and it turns into something a tad more delightful. Kicks it up a notch. It’s like a coffee house drink without the coffee house prices.

I normally take a mug of tea or coffee to work, but I got up a half hour earlier and had my mug-o-goodness at home. I don’t know if I’ll be missing that at work, now, but it’s just one day. In addition to watching my food intake, I’ve been noting my water as well. I don’t always do well with water intake. So today I’ll have a little extra emphasis on water.

I’m already missing my warm mug at work and I’m not even there yet. Not a good sign.

I also had this for breakfast:

Yeah, it’s empty. It was Trader Joe’s Jalapeño Cilantro Hummus with celery sticks. I just wasn’t feeling a complicated breakfast today. I could eat that hummus with a spoon, it’s that good.

Before Carlito left, he showed me his most recent creation in Arts Medals class. They’re taking a field trip today.

He’s made a necklace and a ring so far, too. He seems to like the class. Dante took it, too, but I don’t remember getting anything home from him. Strange. He’s more of a perfectionist, and would just leave his things at school. Kids don’t know how much moms like to get that stuff, even if it isn’t perfect.

No-Show Socks… I Can See ‘Em

Since moccasins and slippers have come back into style the past few years, the no-show socks have been sprouting up everywhere. I guess people started to realize that wearing slippers out and about, with no socks, might end up with some smelly slippers.

I have four pairs of those moccasin/slippers that I wear far too often, and at inappropriate times (like after it snows). But I love being able to slip my feet into something comfy and not have to tie them. I usually wear socks, though (which, apparently is not fashionable). I have issues with going sockless in shoes, though. If I’ve got flip-flops on, that’s another thing, but when my foot is in a shoe I get weird creepy feelings between my toes. Kind of like walking in the basement in the dark, but it’s my feet that are in a dark place that I can’t see where crumbs or spiders might be.

Don’t judge.

I was excited to try the no-show socks.

I was disgusted at how much they cost, considering they are about 1/4 of a sock.

I delayed in purchasing them.

I broke down and bought some from Wal Mart. I brought them home, tried them on, and hated them within five minutes. They should have called them No Stay On Socks instead, because they would either sling-shot off my foot, or nearly immediately creep off when I put my shoes on. It bothers me worse to have a sock slip down in a shoe than to be wearing no socks at all.

I tried the socks every which way, inside out, and with different shoes. I gave up. I put them in a bag to return. I waited. Contemplated this whole no-show sock craze.

One day I was at Kohls and saw some no-show socks there that claimed to be new and improved. I gave them a try.

They feel great, fit well, and they don’t slip off!

However, they also don’t hide very well.

no show socks


I wore them at work anyway, since I knew they wouldn’t get seen and they really are comfortable. They are also obnoxiously there. Not cute. Not fashionable.

I made a stop at Aldi and took them off outside, leaving them in the car. Despite the fact that they made my feet feel much nicer in my shoes, I didn’t want to look like the crazy old lady who wears knee-high nylons with her shorts, thinking nobody can see the tops of them.

Google Reader Goes Bye-Bye

Have you heard? Do you care? Google is retiring its reader this summer.

Bummer for me. Beyond email, the reader (via Google) is at the top of my Google “likes” list. I love being able to scroll easily through all of my foodie, fitness, coupon, and homemaking sites. To see which posts I’ve read, starred. All of this from one screen. It’s simple, it’s quick, and it’s the only way I can get a nice dose of all of my favorite blogs in a reasonable time frame.

I’m not completely against change. I just wish it happened less often. Facebook introduces it’s timeline. The the ticker. It takes it away. It comes back. There’s emoticons in the update bar (yesterday). All this in the span of a few days. I like the ticker. It is kind of like the reader, I guess. It’s a semi Twitter inside Facebook. I know some people don’t like it, but I don’t like the timeline, either, so we’re even.

Every now and then I think about moving my stuff to Blogger, but as many changes as Google makes, I think maybe it’s better to keep things on my own server so I don’t have to adjust every five seconds.

As much as I love technology, I’m also getting sick of it.

Maybe that’s not a bad thing.

Sam’s Club Membership Deal (1 day only)

OK, have to post this. I have a Costco membership, but miss some of the things I get at Sam’s. No way would I spend the full amount for a membership, but this Living Social deal makes it pretty sweet (nearly free):

  • $45 ($79.84 value) for a one-year Membership package (new members only)
  • Includes a $20 Sam’s Club gift card and $19.84 in food-service vouchers (Food vouchers valid for an Artisan Fresh Rotisserie Chicken, a 16″ Artisan Fresh Take-and-Bake Pizza, and two boxes of 6-, 12-, or 24-count Artisan Fresh Cookies)

If three of your friends sign up, you get it for FREE! Living Social Sam’s Club Deal. (Full disclosure: if you sign up through the link I’m posting, that counts as 1 friend for me – I signed up from a friend’s Facebook link… glad she posted it.)

Soaking My Feet

Every time I use my foot bath (which I’ve had for about 10 years, I ask myself why I don’t do it more often.



It is a simple act that feels incredibly indulgent. I don’t pay much attention to my feet, unless it is to paint my toenails, which I don’t do very often either, it seems.

Beyond enjoying the warm water, bubbles and massage, the delicious aromas of essential oils wafting around the room – I enjoy the fact that I’m saving a good $40 on a pedicure. I know many people would look at it otherwise, willing to spend the money and have someone else do it, which I do – about once a year. Every other time, I’m satisfied with my home experience, knowing I’m saving money on something I can do nearly as good.

And I don’t have to shave my legs before I do it at home.

(Not really) sorry to say, but my razor gets way less action in the winter months. This used to concern me more when I was about 20. I’m staring 40 in the eyes and it bothers me very little to admit that. Less than it did when I was 30. So the fact that I get to sit on my couch, update my blog, wear my sweats over my non-shaven legs… works for me.


A Day Off

It really is nice when I have a day off of work and have an idea of how I am going to spend my time. So much time I waste, honestly. I don’t mean that I need to be running around like a chicken with her head cut off; that’s not good, either. But I feel like many times I go full speed ahead, and then need just as much time to recuperate. I’ve always been more of a short burst, sprinting type of person. But that’s not always good for you. So, on days like this when I have sort of a “map” of what my day looks like, I can breathe a little more.

Today I sprint very little.

The wrestling season (in high school) is at an end. The city banquet was the other day. Lootie won All-City title at 195. He was very pleased with this. We were all proud of his accomplishments this year. I still smile when I think of his phase of not wanting to touch people (how you accomplish this as a wrestler, yet to be determined) for an entire year. It led to him getting beat more than he’d like. He got over that, and has enjoyed the sport ever since.

Here’s the team. A good group of kids.

Lootie, after one of his matches, wearing his new headgear that wasn’t quite adjusted accordingly yet. Thankfully it didn’t cost him the match.

Kinda weird watching my little freaks become men.

Sophia was over yesterday with some boyfriend drama (really wish she didn’t bring it here), but after the initial blowout of emotions, we sat down to some of Lootie’s favorite soup (Italian Sausage Soup, AKA Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana Soup, just her and I, and chatted.

We chatted! I’m sure many people chat with their 21 year old daughters, but it’s been a rocky road for us. Chatting about simple things can even be taken for granted. I didn’t even realize we were chatting about books and friends and soups – and not jobs, boyfriends and other stressful topics. I’m really thankful for that chat. I needed that chat.

I digress, eh?

So Carlito informed me that I will be making Whoopie Pies for the team banquet tonight. I made them this summer for Dante’s graduation  Now I realize I never even posted them here. That’s how often I post. Ahem. Anyway, he requested those, here are the ones I made this past summer. Our school colors are cardinal and gray.


(LATER) The ones above looked better than they tasted, in my opinion, but the kids loved them. This time I made them with less filling and no sprinkles. They were still gobbled up. I couldn’t seem to bring myself to eat one. I tried a bite and that was enough. I haven’t had much as the way of sweets go lately. Mostly chocolates, a McDonald’s cone, or a Skinny Cow sandwich. These weren’t on the top of my list to eat.

The banquet went well and everyone had a nice time. I can’t believe it is another season gone by for Carlito. Since my parents retiring and moving and Dante graduating, I still feel like I’ve been catapulted forward through time on a continual basis. Now the twins will be moving on to high-school in a few short months and what-what?! Even Carlito will joke saying, “You guys are going into 7th grade next year, right?” They ignore him.



Butter Dipped Biscuits

I love how the internet is like an open cookbook, accessible, vivid, and somewhat interactive. I can do without some of the 92-picture steps (and here is the tablespoon coming out of the drawer, dipping into the baking powder, coming out, being washed…), but I do enjoy the look inside other kitchens, even down to the utensils. So there it is.

The other day I was surfing for recipes, and came across one that doesn’t exactly fit into my calorie budget without a lot of accomodations, but I couldn’t resist: Butter Dipped Biscuits.


Super simple, very basic ingredients that you probably have on hand, and they are deeee-licious.

I found most recipes for these to be about the same, but am linking to the above source since it is her delicious picture (I didn’t bother with a picture of mine).

Butter Dipped Biscuits (food.com)
1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons granulated sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 3/4 cups buttermilk (or “soured milk”)

Preheat oven to 450F degrees. Spray an 8-inch square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. In a microwave-safe bowl (or you can use the baking dish that you’ll be baking these in), melt butter in the microwave.

In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Pour in the buttermilk (add the last 1/2 cup slowly… you may not need it all). Stir until a loose dough forms. Batter will be a bit sticky.

Pour/press biscuit dough into baking dish (right on top of the melted butter). Take a sharp knife and cut the biscuit dough into 9 squares before baking.

Bake for about 20-25 minutes, rotating dish once during baking.

(If you don’t have buttermilk, “sour” your regular whole milk with vinegar. Use about 1T. per cup. Add vinegar to milk, stir, and let sit for about 5 minutes.)

They were very tasty, and very easy. I had a half of one with my diner, and savored every bite.

Easy Ricey Spaghetti And Meatballs (And Heart-Shaped Pizzas)

I’m trying to eliminate some of the things in my pantry and freezer. It’s working at about 50%, which is a start. Part of my aim is to cycle out what needs to be eaten (mainly in the freezer), and the other part is to save some money on groceries this month (pantry shopping). We had to replace tires on one of the cars, and have another unexpected expense with the van, so tightening the bootstrings even more is a must.

So I took an inventory of what I have in the freezer (up and down – one in the kitchen, one in the garage), and have tried to do what I can to rotate out some of the longer-standing items.

I can’t say I haven’t grocery shopped, but I have definitely shopped less, which is a win. I should say it is a “win” for the pocketbook, but a bit stressful on me trying to coordinate this fine dance. Some of my meals lately have been… less than spectacular. Some have been dandy, though, like the heart-shaped pizza I made yesterday.

We have a local pizza place that makes heart-shaped pizzas every Valentine’s Day. Initially we were going to order from there. So much easier (for me). The phone line was busy for half an hour. Once we got through, we learned the cost was $12 per pizza plus $2 per topping. Since the boys were off to wrestling, I figured I should be able to whip those up in the same time it would take to order out, and for less.

I made 2 pepperoni, and 2 of our favorite – sausage and banana pepper rings.

NOBODY complained. They rarely do when I make my own pizzas now at home. It’s very nice. We all like an ordered out pizza now and then, but it’s getting to where the ordered pizzas aren’t often as good as the ones made at home. These were no exception.

I had purchased two heart-shaped pans at Goodwill a while ago, thinking I might use them someday. They aren’t anything special. But lined with some olive oil and filled with dough, they were delicious.

That paired with some homemade brownies (I’ve yet to find a homeade version that is prepared over the boxed one):

And some strawberry milk (was NOT a hit, and I’m actually glad).

Today, though, a Friday, Frank’s working overtime (again). I’m tired. It’s been a long week and the last thing I wanted to do was to make another meal. I had eyed up the hot dogs earlier, figuring that could be a back-up plan, though I hate serving hot dogs. But it’s cheaper than $50 Chinese food.

But then I decided to make something I haven’t for a while. Rice Spaghetti. It is a one pot meal that is a breeze to throw together, and cooks up pretty fast.

Easy Rice Spaghetti & Meatballs

1 jar spaghetti sauce
1.5 cups brown rice
3 cups water
1 bag meatballs (I used Fit N’ Active Turkey meatballs from Aldi)

Put everything in a pot and stir.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 40 minutes or until rice is chewy tender, stirring occasionally. Don’t worry about removing the lid and stirring. All is good. After rice is done, vent lid and let sit for 5 minutes. Serve with olive oil and parmesan cheese. Serves 6.

I had mine with a glass of wine. Two of the boys ate theirs with leftover tortillas. I think they missed the point on it, but oh well.


It’s quite tasty.

Years ago, I’d whip up some rice, pour sauce over it, add some OO and cheese, and we’d dig in. It was decent eats on a budget. I’ve forgotten what a satisfying meal it can be. If you don’t have the meatballs, sub it for a veggie and add that on top. I was going to roast some broccoli, but I’m seriously THAT tired that it was too much work.